(Photo: Reuters)

Hijacking America: Part I

Joe McHugh
5 min readFeb 26, 2019

Information Control: Your Eyes & Ears Deceive You

We lost America long before the first of two planes slammed into the Twin Towers of New York City at 8:46am on September 11th, 2001. Don’t let anyone fool you: 9/11 was a resounding success. It was the coup de grace that kicked off the next phase of American imperialism, unlocking the purse strings of America to upgrade our military and mobilizing to lock down valuable rare earth minerals, illicit drugs, oil, gas and water. To understand how this could be possible, one needs only to understand what you would do to protect yourself and your family, which is just about anything.

(For reference, you can logically deduce my argument by first reading this document.)

The CIA has something called a Compartmentalized Security Clearance (CSC) protective process with Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) as the highest publicly known clearance level. You can read about it here. This compartmented practice is in place to prevent anyone from knowing too much, to empower the organizational planners at the top, and to force those who pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, including myself, to act in good faith because few of us have neither the time nor desire to connect the dots on seemingly disparate events, especially if it means learning that our actions may not…



Joe McHugh

Joe McHugh is an Independent candidate for President, Forex & crypto CTA; political-economic analyst, and founder of Earth Loans. LibertyStrikesBack.com